Sunday, August 17, 2008

Destructive Design II

Let us take the argument further by taking an example.
If we consider a situation at a very early stage of human history we can picture things like the man of the household rising up early in the morning and going out for food gathering, in a group or may be alone. Everyday he would return home with his gatherings which he and his family would consume on that day. As this goes on our man is going to finally realize that if he brings home more gatherings everyday he can actually rest or take a holiday someday when his spare gatherings from each day will be enough that he wont have to go out hunting or gathering that day. This realization gives rise to more desires for pilling up resources and it continues for ever.
Now take a present day scenario, that of a middle class man. He gets his salary every month and makes ends meet. His does not pile up cause he gets just enough to survive. But if we take somebody who earns enough to save every month or somebody really rich enough, we'll find that he will have piles of money and property to last his family for generations. Now whats that piled up money and property? Its all natural resources converted into more portable form.
So all the money that these guys have stashed up in banks is actually natural resource piled up from plundering earth for thousands of years. And how did it happen? Cause man had a desire to take a rest for a day. Desire that gave way to pondering that gave way to innovation that gave way to more desires that gave way to destruction.

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